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Case #3 When Harry met mibs

Panic button!

Poor little Johnny Novak

Johnny Novak said he didn’t hear the man speak because he was listening to his walkman at the time. But he remembers thinking: "It sure is hot to be wearing a black suit in this weather. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt at the time and sweating buckets,this guy didn’t even break a sweat."

Harry's FallJohnny Novak was due to be interviewed in depth, but he remains unavailable for comment at the time — he is still in intensive care in a coma after he was hit by a black Sedan while on his skateboard. His friend (who would not reveal his name) said "The car was going about 50 when it swerved and hit Johnny. The guy didn’t even slow down."

Monica Lopez, who was standing at the crosswalk of 14th and 7th ave at the time, said: "I was looking up at a facial hair ad at the time, when all of a sudden I saw this man come flying out of his window like gangbusters, I mean he was flying. He must have cleared 20 to 25 ft, before he started to fall. It’s like something sling-shot him out of there."

Monica Lopez was later the victim of a freak electrolysis accident, and was proclaimed DOA on the way to the hospital.



Case 1:
“Safe as milk”

The strange case of Juanita Brown’s disappearance
Case 2:
“Tiki Terror”

Forbidden photos and terror in a Tiki lounge
Case 3:
“When Harry met mibs”

What was Harry onto and why did he have to die?


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