Canned Revolution

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Mommy, what’s a Canned Revolution?

Panic button!

Our Manifesto

cover pic It’s relentless; everyday life often appears as one long contrived advert.

Swooshes, Golden Arches and branded coffee have taken over our cities. Television feasts, in near total unison, on war, advertising dollars, preaching garbage to millions. Governments, the world over, are continually lying to the public about every facet of life, aided and abetted by the greedy, sycophantic media and fat conglomerates, not to mention myriad CCTVs.

Well, people round the world have had enough of the deceit, damage and domination dished out through the heavy handed connivance among the world’s most powerful men.

We, at Canned Revolution, want to alert you and other comrades to the lies told by the Machine — the oft invisible, insidious symbiosis between government and big business which ultimately harms us all. Whether it’s war [and the seven year build up to it by ultra right wing nutcases; step forward Dickie C and Donnie R], horrific violations of human rights and the environment through government sanctioned commerce, never ending cover ups or gross corruption [er see Dick Cheney again], we’re here as a channel of information, telling as many people the truth behind the bullshit that just aired on Rupert Murdoch’s channel five minutes ago.

At Canned Revolution, a whole range of activities are available to help uncover some of the murky mysteries of the past and present including: a blind date with the grassy knoll shooter — who else could possibly beat that; tales of the two Bush oil wars; serious and damaging evidence against many government agents; credible UFO intelligence and let’s not forget — shameless consumer plug — a chance to win your very own Canned Revolution t-shirt.

War is no way for the world’s most preeminent nation to conduct itself. At Canned Revolution, we advocate peace at all times. No one should lose their life from the use of military weapons. War signifies a complete breakdown in the international framework  - a situation that should never be allowed to be reached.

"An eye for an eye would make the whole world  blind," noted Mahatma Gandhi - a saying all the more prescient in this war-strewn UK election year.

Ultimately we strive to be everything that Fox News is not: for the people, not for interests; liberal, not fascist; honest, not blinded by prejudice. We aim to tell you everything that the mainstream media goes out of its way to hide.

In short, we pledge to show you the horrors and deceptions of The Machine.

Comrades, join us to bring truth to the world.


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